Cap and Trade

In an effort as much to get things going again around here as to make you all aware of this article, I have posted an article from the Wall Street Journal (I trust you have no objection to this as a credible news source, Mike) regarding the president's plan to put a price on carbon and the early resistance it is encountering. Without flying too far off the handle in expressing my extreme distaste for the socialist agenda being forced down our throats right now, I have to say that this "cap and trade" crap is just an absolutely awful idea. I'm all for the setting aside of millions of acres for wildlife preserves (and was disappointed but not surprised when that got shot down), but this strikes me as just another tax to pay for other changes. Climate change laws and taxes need to be fully debated and examined piece by piece, not forced on the environment and economy by an inexperienced team with an agenda. We all know I am extremely skeptical regarding man-made global warming, due to the fact that the long-range computer models used to prove man-made global warming are consistently proven to be inaccurate; among other reasons, but the idea of "ramming this through" aka "shoving it up the taxpayers' asses" is insanity regardless of what side of the isle you're on. Matt, I can hear your wheels spinning from here and I'm glad because this needs to be debated and then debated some more by all sides as this is something that will effect every one of us.
P.S. For some reason, I can't get this link to work the way I want it to. Sorry for the inconvenience. I'll work on dealing with this issue for future posts, but I'm tired of fighting it right now.


Michael Lombard said...

Actually, I do object to the Wall Street Journal as a credible news source. Isn't it owned by Rupert Murdoch? Anybody who has seen thirty seconds of Sean Hannity on Fox News knows that anything owned by Murdoch is not worthy of public trust. The WSJ isn't any worse than other corporate-owned news sources though. They're just not independent and they won't risk losing access to public figures by asking tough questions. CNBC, CNN, etc. They all fail in my mind. I'll take the Daily Show and the Huffington Post any day, as sad as that is (a fake news show and a blog).

Anonymous said...

Well, if that's how you feel than I guess I'll just keep posting from different news sources just to keep you on your toes. I feel a CNN or Economist post coming on in the next week or so.