Not Dead

Just wanted to stop by the ol' blog and let everyone know I am still among the living. The MBA program has been very time consuming this semester and will continue to be so for the next month.

While I am not reading as much on green, I am still trying to live it as much as possible. A few updates:

1. I am still incessantly bugging my co-workers to recycle, turn computers off at end of day, and reduce their paper use. I can't directly quantify it but it does seem there has been slight improvement by most of them, although a few are still waste tornadoes who leave a trail of trashed recyclables and wasted resources in their wake.

2. I have greened my house a bit more. I now have every electronic gadget on power strips which I turn off when not in use.

3. I made my first green investment. I purchased 183 shares of General Electric stock, largely because the share price was so low but also because of GE's commitment to green technology.

4. I have not forgotten about my pledge to go before the Hattiesburg city council and argue for the implementation of a glass recycling program. I will find the time to do it this summer.

5. Finally, all of this greenius activity was completely negated when I flew to Chicago last week. Doh!