From The New York Times:
"Democratic Group's Proposal: Give Each Student a Kindle"
I'm an avid reader, and I own a Kindle, and it's way, way better than
reading a paper book. Plus, think of all those trees.
I question your being an "avid reader" as most of them would shun the Kindle. What about the electricity/energy required by the Kindle? Paper can be recycled OR you can use elephant poop to create paper rather than using trees.
I think the energy used to create a book, the paper, and transportation greatly outweighs the use of electricity to read a book on a kindle.
The electricity to read a book on a Kindle is minimal due to the e-ink technology it employs. With this technology, the Kindle only uses battery power when you turn the page (just a quick burst is required to rearrange the e-ink on the page). If you're not turning the page, you're not using power. You can read a whole book easily with a single charge.
Also, as far as being an avid reader...huh? Isn't it easier to carry around a single book-sized device than multiple heavy books? Isn't it easier to be able to download a book instantly wherever you are instead of going to a bookstore? Isn't it better to pay $9.99 for a book than $19.99? Isn't it nice to have a built-in dictionary, highlighter, Wikipedia, and voice reader? Oh yeah, and you can read all your magazines, newspapers, and blogs on the Kindle as well. Anybody that actually is an avid reader would appreciate these things.
One more thing, the e-ink technology makes reading the Kindle virtually identical to reading a paper book. There's no backlight, so it's not like reading a computer screen. So, it's pretty much a superior form of reading in all regards.
That sounds pretty sweet. We've been talking about getting one. IDK about $10 a book though. I'm kinda spoiled on free books from libraries or cheap used books.
Puuhhllease. Do a poll on your website or something. Real readers hate the kindle. They want to hold a book not a computer. The kindle is everything that they think is wrong with America.
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