Green Stocks

I'd like to start tracking a group of green stocks against the overall stock market.  Maybe we could pick out like 20 green stocks and see how they do.  I found literally dozens of web sites devoted to green stocks, so we should be able to research it pretty easily and pick the right companies to track.  Here are some of the sites I found:

What are you suggestions for, let's say, five to ten green stocks that we should track?


Matt Stambaugh said...

I'll take a gander at this tomorrow and make my suggestions. Should we track Ormat and First Solar, which were mentioned previously?

That might be an idea, track one from each green subcategory. Ormat could be our geothermal power and First Solar our solar tech.

The Doctor said...

I will definitely take a look at these sites the next few days and give you my input. Will be interesting to compare our "green index" to say the S&P and see how it does over the next few years.

Michael Lombard said...

Buki, I like the idea of having a company from each category (geothermal, solar, etc.).