Saw that my receipt from Whole Foods was shorter than usual. Then I turned it over to see that about half of the items were printed on the backside of the receipt. Here's a pic:

Printing on both sides reduced the amount of paper used by about 50%. Taking this Green thinking a step further, Mark Graban from the Lean Blog asks, "Why don't they give you the option of saying 'no receipt please'?"
I've always asked the same question myself at gas stations when the computer at the pump doesn't give the me option of declining a receipt. This is wasteful, for obvious reasons, but it's also annoying because I have to wait around in 32 degree weather for the stupid receipt to print.
I think they should send the receipt to my smartphone wirelessly. What did you buy for $11.54. Who won the lottery?
I believe the $11.54 charge was for my basil & feta infused salmon burgers. Or it could have been my gold-plated toothpicks. Just a trifle really.
Well that mystery is solved, although my eagle eye skills are nothing compared to you spotting the red cooler that I stole from your father in the corner of a tiny photo.
E-mailing the receipts would rock. Another idea would be a USB port that you could plug your flash drive into and get an electronic copy of your receipt.
What kind of nerds are we entertaining the idea of carrying a flash drive around for our receipts? I think we should all just get together and contact Neil Diamond asking him to write a "green" song. By God, if that doesn't sway the masses nothing will.
So instead of "Song Sung Blue"
It would be "Song Sung Green?"
Great idea!
Thanks Pat for making sure we don't take ourselves too seriously.
I was reading an article about how they've already successfully experimented with having your phone set up to use as a debit card using wireless signals. It would be easy enough to reverse the information flow and send the receipt straight to your phone. No USB port necessary. No paper receipt necessary. No plastic debit card necessary either for that matter.
Take it a step farther. Couldn't you have all you important documents on your phone w/ some sort of authentication system, so that you didn't have to carry a wallet at all?
If I could do without my George Costanza sized wallet I would be a happy man.
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