The Doctor Sean Levy and I are headed out tomorrow to Las Vegas for the International Builders' Show. I had the opportunity to go to this show the past two years when it was in Orlando, and let me tell you, it's amazing!
Exhibitors from all over the world present concepts and products relating to every aspect of building. All the latest, greatest innovations and inventions will be on display, everything from sustainable building materials to cutting-edge design software to fully completed homes. That's right, completed homes!
Thanks to the power of modular homebuilding, it's possible to construct, deliver, assemble, and finish-out a gigantic custom luxury home in only a matter of a couple weeks. My company, Palm Harbor Homes, Inc., a national leader in the manufactured housing industry, will have three completed homes on display at the show.
The Doc and I will be reporting back on what we see, especially in the way of green building techniques. I expect to have a lot to share with you in the coming days.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot...Vegas baby!!!
Put $100 on the Cardinals for me. I hope you guys will find time to visit the International Builder's Show. I'd like a full report on Solar Powered Roof Tiles. I know a roofer here in Polk County that I may partner with.
Have fun!
Just beware of roofers, especially in Florida. Anybody that spends that much time in the sun can't be trusted around children, pets, or heavy machinery.
I can't believe you'd speak that way about your own kin.
Trevor, I hope said roofer is not J.F.
Looking forward to your posts from the event guys. That is if you actually make it to the days event after the Vegas nights.
While you're there, see if you can figure out why it's a LEED requirement to install a 7'x7' recessed floor mat in an 8'x8' room. My theory is that the people behind LEED have worked in the field for a brief time, and so know how funny it must look to see 2 of the GC's field guys struggling with that big bastard. Considering most LEED requirements are humorously ignorant, I think this could be a valid theory.
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