Green New Deal

Mike posted about this on Saturday, but I was reading an article this morning and came across the most amazing point.

"It's a smart thing to do for the economy and a strategically wonderful thing to do for the environment," said David Foster, executive director of the Blue Green Alliance, a partnership between the Sierra Club and United Steelworkers that works to develop green jobs. His group points to a University of Massachusetts report earlier this fall that said a $100 billion investment in clean technology could create 2 million new jobs in the next two years.

"It leads us down the path for energy independence," he said. "It's a historic opportunity."

That's 1/7 of the bank bailout, or roughly 10 months in Iraq to create 2 million new jobs. I think Obama needs to get rolling on this while he's got support in congress. Can't we inaugurate him now.


Michael Lombard said...

Amen brother! It can't happen fast enough. It always amazes me that we can spend a trillion dollars putting out fires like Iraq and Wall Street, but we can't invest, that's INVEST in our future. I say invest, because we'll actually get something positive out of the monetary outlay.