T. Boone Picken's Wind Farm on Hold

Link: http://earth2tech.com/2008/11/12/the-debt-markets-cramped-t-boones-wind-plan/

This story is about a week old, so you may have already read it. I mentioned in an earlier e-mail that T. Boone was planning to build the world's larget wind farm company in Texas. According to this story the plans are on hold because the oil tycoon is having trouble uptaining financing due to the conditation of the debt markets.


Michael Lombard said...

That's not good. The bailout package for Wall Street was supposed to inject some liquidity into the system, but I guess that's not working so well. I'd rather see taxpayer money going towards green projects that are thirsty for financing.

Matt Stambaugh said...

Absolutely. Much more than going towards say the big 5 automakers.