Okay, here's the scene. I'm at Zen Bar in Addison, TX with some friends from work. I'm working on my 2nd Maker's Mark on the rocks. Got the laptop open, scanning some articles. Then I come across this jewel from one of my favorite green blogs, Inhabitat:
Turns out, Maker's Mark utilizes some pretty darn cool sustainable business practices. Therefore, I have decided (and believe you me, this is a big decision) that Maker's is my official "go to" bourbon of choice. Wow, I've committed myself to Green in a big way, huh?
P.S. I'm still at the bar, still drinking, so I better sign off before my friends start making fun of me for being a blogger. Peace out!
Time out. You bring your laptop to bars?
And I thought I was the geek of the blog.
@Pat, I know you're more experienced in the "academic" world than in the professional world, but it's pretty common out here to see folks using their laptops during business hours.
@Matt, would you rather be in your cubicle, Office Space style, or in the bar sipping fine bourbon? "Someone must have a case of the Mondays."
This is going to be tough for me because of the history I have with Crown, but I am going to make a concerted effort to switch to Maker's. Great article on the Maker's distillery and their use of green practices.
Learned how to make a few new drinks while I was on the Maker's Mark site and joined the Ambassador's program, part of which they name a barrel of bourbon for me. Can buy a couple of bottles of that barrel down the road.
@The Doctor, breaking up can be hard to do, huh? I know it's gonna hurt for a while. You're gonna have those late night shotty calls when you ask the bartender to serve up a quickie Crown Royal when nobody's looking. That's okay. Having named your own barrel of Maker's Mark (for god's sake), I'm sure you'll pretty much stay on the green and narrow.
I understand using laptops during business hours is a common thing. What I apparently didn't know was common was going to the bar during business hours, slamming back some fine bourbon, and researching whether or not said bourbon was manufactured greenly. I guess I'm a little behind the curve.
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Pat, good to see you participating so much. How about doing a guest post?
A guest post you say? I'll see what I can come up with. And for the record Mike, I would much rather be in a bar sipping fine bourbon than rotting in my office slowly going more and more insane. This office stuff will suck the life right out of you.
Pat, I need a good email (personal ones work better because of work spam filters) to send you a blogger author invite. You can email it to contactus@thegreeniuses.com
Yes, anybody who was worked even a single day in cubicle hell will yearn for the chance to escape. I, and several of my fellow cubicle slaves, do often escape, if only temporarily, to a wonderful place known as Zen Bar where we experience the warm nirvana of a fine bourbon.
@conanima, thanks for your compliments. Will check out your blog. Please stay in touch and join our conversations.
Leave it to a post about Whiskey to draw our most comments ever.... Love it.
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