I Just Hurt My Arm Patting Myself On the Back

Yeah, that's right.  I just booked a 4th honeymoon for my wife and I to the beautifully secluded island of Holbox off the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico.  Pursuant to my previously published New Year's "anti-resolutions" for '09, I chose to purchase carbon offsets for my air travel from Dallas to Houston to Merida and back.  It's my little way of reducing blatant energy wasters from my life (well not eliminating, but at least making up for them in my treehugging capitalist kind of way).

In case any of you heathens don't believe me, here's the confirmation from TerraPass, the company that arranges for the carbon offsets through the Expedia.com web site:


Matt Stambaugh said...

I'm assuming that is enough to offset your trip. How much did it cost?

Trevor said...

I think they're $10 / ton. Don't worry Mike, it's a treehuggers job to pat him or herself on the back. At least you're doing something.

Michael Lombard said...

@Matt, yes it's supposed to be enough to cover the entire trip. You actually choose a generic trip length (short, medium, long) based on some mileage guidelines, as opposed to calculating the exact carbon output of your particular trip. My trip was classified as a short trip, so it was pretty cheap.

Michael Lombard said...

@Trev, thanks. The key thing is that whatever eco-solutions are proposed, they gotta be convenient/easy/simple/efficient whenever possible. The TerraPass was almost too easy (all I had to do was click a button).