Portland, Oregon - Land of amazing microbrews, great music scene, and lots of green!

In my never ending search for "green" investments I began to wonder what type of investments are major cities making in green? I came across this little nugget from the Office of Sustainable Development in Portland, Oregon.

City of Portland and Energy Trust of Oregon offer $425,000
for innovative, high performance green buildings

I am hoping that there are many more programs like this one out there that I just have not come across as of yet. What a tremendous opportunity this program provides to green building innovators in the Portland area.

On this same topic I found a full article from a Portland Architecture blog.

OSD seeks Green Investment Fund applicants and feedback for new High Performance Green Policy

Do any of you know if there are similar programs in the metro areas where you live?


Michael Lombard said...

Even more evidence of why Portland is my favorite city, and the greenest city in the U.S.. Just the fact that they even have an Office of Sustainable Development is cool. That this office is shelling out money for innovative green builders makes it downright awesome. I wonder if any other cities have such entities (not counting the west coast, NY, and Boston)?

Trevor said...

I wish things like this were happening everywhere. I wonder what it will take before other cities and states begin taking Portland and Oregon's lead in such things. Oregon is considering enacting a mileage tax. If it can be make hacker-proof, I think it's a great way to encourage reductions in miles driven. Some countries in Europe are already implementing such policies.