Getting Off my Ass for Obama

After watching the speech and video describing President-elect Obama's American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan, I decided to do my small part to support the effort. Here is the e-mail I sent to Senators Thad Cochran and Roger Wicker and to Representative Gene Taylor:

Dear Senator Cochran,  

As a Mississippi resident and state employee at the University of Southern Mississippi I wanted to voice my support of President-elect Obama's American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan. This is where I want my tax dollar spent; retooling America to be a leader in sustainability while fixing our crumbling infrastructure and creating millions of jobs. Know that I speak for many 30 somethings who believe that green is not only good for the planet but good for the American economy. This is the time for us, the greatest nation on earth, to lead. This is the time to show the world that we are the innovators, able to harness the collective good of humanity to revive the ailing world economy and save mother earth in the process. At a more local level, the state of Mississippi needs new jobs especially with events such as the unfortunate postponement of the planned Toyota Prius plant. Please support the President-elect's plan and let's move our state, our nation, and the world towards a brighter future.  


Matt Stambaugh

Would you like to do the same? If so, visit and to find contact info for your senators and representative.


Michael Lombard said...

Nice letter. Good luck w/ getting through to those idiots in Congress. They're so disconnected from the real world, it's sad. Doesn't mean we shouldn't try though, especially now in a time of change in Washington. With Republicans looking to make changes to their party platform, this might be a once-a-generation opportunity to influence them. Or not.

Matt Stambaugh said...

I have no delusion that any of these men of power will actually read this email. I hope though that some government flunky reads them (or at least a computer program) and finds key words to add to a database of constituents' requests.

Of course if the data showed that most wanted a move in this "liberal" direction they would just quaff and say "real Americans don't use email, so this data is unreliable."