RNC Chair

Alright you pack of rabid screaming liberals, even though I know most of you aren't paying much attention to the race for Chairman of the Republican National Convention you would do well to examine the guy who is most likely going to win out. Here's a link with some quick quotes from Michael Steele regarding energy.


Michael Lombard said...

Not bad. He seems to be on-board with energy independence, including the use of renewable energies. That's good. I'm not so sure about a moratorium on gas tax though. That's just short-term thinking that totally undermines the price competitiveness of renewable energies. We need to set a price floor on dirty fuel instead of rolling back taxes.

Matt Stambaugh said...

Pat congratulations on your first post! And a reasonable Republican is a good Republican in my book.

Anonymous said...

Republicans will make a come back when the economy begins growing again just like it always does (it runs in cycles of ups and downs ya know) and people realize that the limousine liberals have given away all our money to jackasses with Harvard MBA's that don't know how to run a company or save a dime. I am counting down the days.