This week I thought I would share a few stories that are counter to the Green Revolution.
Rule Eases a Mandate Under a Law on Wildlife: Well there goes the polar bear. The good news is that we can get more of the 'fuel from hell,' to borrow Mike's term, from Alaska. Not.
EPA Plays Chicken with Regulations: Turns out that awful smell coming from chicken plants is not just offensive, but is bad for the planet. According to this Treehugger story, certain emissions are 8 times worse from chicken plants in poultry heavy states than from oil refinaries and steel mills combined, something the EPA basically ignores.
And the winner is...Air Conditioned Beach in Dubai: I'm not screwing with you. A hotel in Dubai has an outdoor beach that is air conditioned. This would be bad anywhere, but is made worse by the fact that Dubai is in the middle of a freaking desert. The only place more expensive to a/c would be the tenth circle of hell.
Now that you have once again lost your faith in humanity, let me end on a positive note. My homestate of Florida approved a deal to buy 300 square miles of Everglades land owned by U.S. Sugar for conservation purposes.
Your thoughts?
A wiser man than myself once said, "they made their plans and they drained the land, now the Glades are going dry."
I've heard that smoking chickens creates a foul smell, but I never knew it was bad for the planet.
I've got an idea for an Air Conditioned beach...Florida in December. Hotel rooms are cheap and the water is fine.
This is just GD ridiculous, because a bunch of Euros, probably French-ugh, are going to burn feet on the sand, we will just piss away millions of dollars and energy to keep the sand cool.... Stop the insanity.
Insane, but not surprising.
Yeah, the Middle East, not exactly a hotbed of environmentalism. They make Texas look like Oregon.
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