Greener Pastures

8 months ago, I left my old job because the company I wanted to work for, the one I hand selected, had agreed to hire me on. I sought this company out for several reasons, one of those being that they sell a video conferencing solution that reduces business travel and all the wastes associated with it. I guess its considered a green technology, and although it was only one of the reasons I left my old company, I cant help but wonder if others are opting for greener pastures.

Here are 5 companies with an earth-friendly business model that are worth taking a look at:

Better World Books
Herman Miller
New Leaf Paper
Pizza Fusion


Michael Lombard said...

I definitely think your video-conferencing solution is green. The quality of the picture and flexibility of the equipment makes you feel like you're "in the room" with the other person. This makes it a valid susbstitute for face-to-face meetings, which often require long-distance travel. Good stuff!

Michael Lombard said...

That "SustainAbility" web site is pretty impressive. We can learn a lot from them.

Matt Stambaugh said...

Yeah I agree Mike, their site is very nice and being a green consultant would rock.