Do you remember those really old grass-cutting contraptions that came before lawn mowers? Here's a photo of my wife, Mariana, using one (not really, she leaves the lawn chores to yours truly)...

Now you know what I'm talking about. I bought that bad boy a few months ago to cut my teeny-tiny little backyard (only a couple hundred square feet). I love it! No motor, no gas, no problems. Plus, it's super-green (no burning fossil fuels, less material required in manufacturing, etc.). What an elegant solution.
This solution won't work for everyone obviously. If you live in a traditional home, you probably have a bigger yard than mine, and you're probably not trying to mow it with this thing. But that brings into question the whole American suburban lifestyle, and I just don't have the energy to tackle that one today...I mowed the lawn earlier.
My green solution for mowing my yard is that I don't do it very often. I've heard people say that reel type mowers actually do a better job than standard mowers.
I wouldn't say they do a better job. Sometimes I have to go over the same patch of grass from two or three different directions to get it cut right.
BTW, that's a nice picture with your house in the background all lit up like a Christmas tree. How many kilowatts an hour does that burn? Just kidding, Mr. Griswald. Looks good!
I was going to call shenanigans on that photo until I read your note. Mariana does make a good green model. Was the shirt color intentional?
I've seen how small the yards are in your complex. Do any of your neighbors use a gas mower on those tiny things?
I've yet to hear a mower in our neighborhood, other than those used by the landscaping company working in the common areas. That's yet another reason why I love townhome living. I guess the relative greenness of my home counterbalances the significant un-greenness of my FJ Cruiser.
BTW, of course the shirt color was intentional. Greeniuses 4 Life baby!
Is that chic single?
the mower babe is hot!
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